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GLAZIER NATION POSISTION: Senior Manager of regional development

LIVES IN: douglas, ga

Hometown: DOUGLAS, ga

EDUCATION: Coffee High School



PASSIONS: Christianity, My Husband, Family

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E-Mail:            MEGHAN@GlazierNation.Com

Tel:                   469.344.5918


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MEGHAN's Story

I was born and raised in Douglas, GA. I grew up in a very family-oriented background and that is why I consider myself very lucky to be working with Glazier Nation. After High School, I worked as a receptionist for 5 years at a Docter’s Office before I was welcomed into the Glazier Nation Family as the Senior Manager of Regional Development. My duties and task include researching the competition analysis per state, by finding our competition, potential clients, and seeing how I can better our current clients. Although I am young in my career, I know there is so much that I can learn from everyone at Glazier Nation. I look forward to many years of growing and expanding at Glazier Nation.


                            520 Bowens Mill SW

                          Douglas, GA 31535

© 2023 by Glazier Nation, LLC. All rights reserved. Glazier Nation and Glazier Nation Logo are Trademarks of Glazier Nation, LLC. 

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